Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Three Things I learned:

1. The Industrial Revolution began in Britain due to its Agricultural Revolution, overseas empire, coal and iron deposits, waterways, and mobile labor force.
2. Families at first tried to work together in factories with parents and kids both working long hours before labor laws came into effect.
3. The invention of the steam engine was largely due to an energy shortage in Britain caused by deforestation to make space for more farm fields.

Two Things that Interested Me:

1. The spreading of ideas from Britain to the rest of Europe was done mostly by ambitious workers and entrepreneurs who had to steal designs from Britain and establish them on the continent.
2. The number of inventions developed during that time and the innovations that were made to increase productivity.

One Question I Still Have:

1. How did other nations view Britain's industrial domination in the early years of the Industrial Revolution?

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